Typing machine

Hello World!

This is my n-th trial to blog on a regular basis. I really hope this time I can stick to this routine and make it a joy to share useful things with the world.

Here I share the link to my first trial into this journey. I made the challenge to write 100 words daily. As expected, I didn’t keep my engagement, and became a frustration.

This time, I’ll try to only write if I have useful things to share with you. I’ll keep a time box so I must produce on a regular basis (otherwise I’ll never publishing, pretexting the post is not “perfect”).

I’m a developer. Most of my learning was self-done, so I evolved depending on the opportunities. I already programmed in PHP, Ruby, Python, Node.js and Go. My programming is now done at 80% Node.js, building Serverless applications with AWS Lambda and React, and 20% on Python doing fun Machine Learning.

I’m also passionate about productivity hacks. My library includes books like “12 Week Year”, “Deep Work” and “The Power of Habits”.

I’ll mostly share stuff about those topics, hoping to be at least useful to one person. If you see any topic that you want me to share my thoughts on or any subject you want me to cover, please leave me a comment, and I’ll do my best being helpful. Some of my previous writings can be found on Medium, and I also try to share my codes on Github if I think it can be of any help.

Finally, I’m living near Paris, in France, I’m a father of two kids, and a lucky husband of a wonderful woman.

Until next post, take care.

